Come worship with us!
The central act of our worship is the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. There are two regular Sunday services as well as an alternating and monthly Wednesday service.
Sunday Service - 8:00 AM
The Service at 8 a.m. is a Said Eucharist, using traditional language, with congregational participation in the reading of the lessons and the psalm, the recital of the Nicene Creed, and response throughout the service. It is a quiet-spoken service, with no music and a short sermon. After the service, many of the worshippers go out for breakfast together.
Sunday Service - 10:30 AM
The Sung Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. uses music to enhance our worship of God. The services alternate every other week between traditional and contemporary language, using the Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Lay persons are involved as readers, servers, intercessors and in the administration of Holy Communion. Sermons are succinct, challenging and focused on the Bible. There is a period for fellowship and refreshment, in the new parish hall, following the service. Healing, with the anointing of oil, is offered at both services on the second Sunday of each month.
Wednesday Service - 10:00 AM
On Wednesday mornings, a Said Eucharist is celebrated at 10 a.m. These services are shared with St John the Evangelist Church on Pine Street on a monthly basis as follows: December, February, April, June, August St Mark’s; November, January, March, May, July St John’s. Fellowship and refreshments follow.
(Monthly) Wednesday Service - 4:30 PM
On the first Wednesday of every month a traditional Choral Evensong is offered at 4:30 (Book of Common Prayer) by St Mark’s Junior Choir. This evocative service is entirely led by young choristers.
Eucharist for Seniors and Shut-Ins
Regularly monthly services of Holy Communion (Eucharist) are celebrated at Extendicare nursing home in Port Hope for those seniors unable to worship at a church because of infirmity.
In addition, the sacrament is brought to any shut-ins who would like to receive it. Please contact the Church Office at 905 885 4017 or
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Graham has been an honorary Assistant Priest at St Mark’s Port Hope since 1988, and also authors a weekly Faith and Science letter. Click here to learn more.
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Patrick, a professor of religious studies and theology for most of his life, now leads a book discussion group at St Mark’s and assists as an Honourary Assistant Priest. Click here to learn more.
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