The Committee functions as a point of reference for service and social justice proposals that come to the parish. The group is guided by social needs and concerns in the community and activities of the Social Justice Advocacy Committee of the Diocese. The Committee also operates to support and evaluate the annual outreach appeals that the Church undertakes throughout the year, with special projects during Lent and Christmas.
Port Hope Scouting (On Hold)
Cantate Singers (Junior Choir)
New members (under the age of 18) are always welcome to come Scout with us! Youth may start any time in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Venturers any time of the year where space is available. 1st Port Hope Beavers meet Mondays from 6:15 to 7:15 pm; 1st Port Hope Cubs meet Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:00pm; and 1st Port Hope Scouts meet Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00pm in the main Parish Hall..
The Cantate Singers (under the age of 18) do more than singing on Sundays in the combined Choir at St Mark’s. The Cantate Singers are affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music and use their Voice for Life training. The Choir does visits to local nursing homes and contributes to church events such as by making cookies for Christmas at St Mark’s. Annual educational trips have included Montreal and Toronto. In the past, trips have included Worcester and Hereford Cathedrals in the UK, Quebec City and Washington DC.
Benevolent Society Fund
It is an unfortunate reality that in every community there are those who need assistance in meeting their basic needs either on an occasional basis or often on a regular basis. Founded in 1862, the Fund is administered by the Ecumenical Ministerial Association of Port Hope. Assistance is given in the form of food vouchers in two kinds, one for adults and families and the other as an added amount for a family with an infant. These vouchers are honoured at Davis Independent Grocers, Metro, and Giant Tiger. St. Mark’s has an annual appeal to financially support the Benevolent Society.
Social Justice Education Series
The Committee organizes an annual Social Justice Education Series in co-operation with the Northumberland East Adult Christian Education Committee. Past topics have included Defining Social Justice in the 21stCentury; Truth and Reconciliation; Welcoming the Stranger (our Syrian refugee experience) and upcoming in 2018, No Room at the Inn: Homelessness and Hope in Northumberland County.
FaithWorks (of the Diocese of Toronto)
Mindful of Our Lord’s commandment, members of St Mark’s Church have a long history of involvement in Outreach projects, both collectively and as individuals. Our primary project is FaithWorks, the Annual Appeal of the Diocese of Toronto that raises funds for the delivery of direct, practical assistance to those in need or at risk. Year after year, St Mark’s is recognized as a lead parish in the campaign. Our parish retains 15% of undesignated contributions which are donated to local charities
St. Mark’s, St John’s and St. Paul’s Perrytown Anglican churches together with Port Hope United Church and New Hope United Church (formerly Welcome, Garden Hill and Canton). sponsored a Syrian family (mother, father and 3 sons) from 2015 to 2017 under the banner of “River of Hope”. They have made remarkable progress and now call Canada home. Following this success, St Mark’s continues to encourage support in the Anglican United Refuge Alliance (AURA). It is a mission that will always be close to St Mark’s hearts for the Christian work they do so effectively on a modest budget.
Every week we collect non-perishable food donations for Fare Share, the local food bank, in this basket in the narthex. A smaller basket, containing one or two of the items, representative of these, is presented at the altar at the 10.30 a.m. service each Sunday. We pray that we will continue to keep the basket filled. Information about Northumberland Fare Share can be found here.
Green Wood Coalition has been working with people who live in poverty in Port Hope since 2006, and St Mark’s has been active with their Dinner Program for several years. Green Wood is a community-based, grassroots organization with a Vision of Hope and a Mission to provide a shoulder to shoulder support to enable people to reach their potential. We invite you to read more about Green Wood Coalition here.
St. Mark’s registers a team of walkers to participate in the Coldest Night of the Year every February to support the Green Wood Coalition, an organization that uses a community model of caring to walk alongside people who are hungry, homeless and hurting in Port Hope.