St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Port Hope

 Second Sunday after Epiphany     19 January 2020

The flowers are given to the Glory of God and, at the lectern, are in memory of Jack Goering, Amie and Sydney Goering, Helen and Frederick Tate and Ian Tate from Sheila Goering.  The flowers at the font are in memory of Daisy Higgins, mother of Jane McGrath.

You are welcome to join us for the Angelus following the postlude at 10.30. Icon table at the back.

Wednesday Eucharists in January are at St. John’s at 10:00.

Centering Prayer is held on Thursdays   at 3.00 in the mezzanine.

Prayer List–If you wish the congregation to pray for someone (or for a situation) in January, please print the name in the list. The list is in the red binder, located on the shelf at the back of the church.

Prayer Book Evensong is led by the Cantate Singers (formerly a.k.a. the Junior Choir) on the first Wednesday of the month at 4:30 p.m.

Anointing for Healing is available on the seoond Sunday of the month, or by appointment.

The next Green Wood Community Dinner will be on Wednesday Feb 5 in St. John’s Parish Hall. The menu will be meat loaf, potatoes, vegetables, salad and dessert. If you can help by providing food, it will be much appreciated. A sign-up sheet is at the back of the church.

Cinema St. Mark Fridays at 7.30, mezzanine.

  • January 31Breathless (Jean-Luc Godard, 1960)
  • February 7The New Girlfriend (François Orzon, 2014)


Tuesday, Tea, and Theology Tuesday afternoons, 3:00 – 4:30, upstairs in the parish hall

  •  Jan. 21     Shortt, Rupert,  Does Religion Do More Harm than Good?.
  • Feb. 18     Williams, Jane,  The Merciful Humility of God

New Display in Archive cabinets

 There are excerpts  from old newspapers in the two archive display cases in the back of the church. These help illustrate the lives of some of past parishioners of this church. The series in the cases today cover the years 1832  to 1854, when this building was the parish church of the Parish of St John the Evangelist. The material comes from the Port Hope Library’s microfliche copies of Port Hope newspapers

 Coldest Night of the Year

The St. Marks Marchers are off to a great start this year, as we help raise funds for the Green Wood Coalition. Our annual fund raising walk takes place on February 22, 2020. This year, the need is greater than ever, as the numbers of the hungry, hurting and homeless in our communities of Northumberland just keep growing. We hope to meet our overall event goal of $50,000.00 by raising our team goal of at least $1,500.00. Please consider joining our team or donating. Follow the steps below. And remember…It’s Cold Out There!

  1. Go to
  2. Click on donate
  3. In the SEARCH box, type St Marks Marchers
  4. The team will be listed, to support any individual marcher, click on the arrow after their name!
  5. If you don’t want to support on-line, just type a message of support to the team or individual


We would like to express our thanks to the many donors who “culled and sorted” gently-used Christmas decorations. We anticipate great sales at our 2020 artisans event November  27-28. Any further donations may be left in the library so marked                Cathy Carlyle & Peter Kedwell

CEFTI -  The Cotter Endowment Fund for the Incumbency will be happy to accept your donation.  CEFTI will issue a tax receipt.  Please make your cheque payable to CEFTI, not St. Mark’s.

KUDOS: Many hands make light work!!!

I would like to thank the following for their re-organizing and clean-up efforts in the mezzanine this past week: Anne Oram, Gwen Duck, Doug Armstrong, Jenn Mitchell, Cathy Carlyle and Jill Walkingshaw. The tidied space is much easier both to navigate and to find what we need.       Peter Kedwell


SUNDAY REFRESHMENTS 2020  A new sign-up sheet for Sunday refreshments (January-May) has been posted in the hallway to the parish hall. Please consider participating in our fellowship together post-10:30 am service.



Thank you to all who support Food Share by leaving donations of packaged foods, tinned goods, peanut butter, condiments, pet food,

and hygiene supplies of all kinds in the basket near our front doorWhen I was hungry, you gave me something to eat. (Matthew 25:35)


The Cat’s Meow:  For inclusion, contact Marion Thompson through the office or at before Friday morning.

Office Hours are Tuesday to Friday,

9 a.m. to noon.  905-885-4071


Internet Services

Provided pro bono to St. Mark’s by:

Jim Corkery at Corkery + Co.
